About Me


C. Steven Sweeney

C. Steven Sweeney is a Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist, Post-betrayal Transformation Practitioner, Certified Hope2Heal Transformation Practitioner, Entrepreneur, Creator of “Only A Lion Understands A Lion” and the author of So You’ve Been Betrayed …Now What? 

His practice is designed to support and coach clients relative to consistently using their personal traumas as opportunities for personal growth and success in the pursuit of happiness.

Steve has been a counseling professional for 39 years. He has a background in mental health, chemical dependency, and employee assistance, amongst other things, and after years as a direct care services provider, now runs his own private practice. Much of his work involves working with clients to help them break free from traumas of their circumstances and learn how to monetize it as a tool for positive transformation.

Steve’s focus on Post-Betrayal Transformation blossomed from his own trauma. After his ex-wife’s betrayal, his bitterness, resentment, and lust for revenge manifested in multiple chronic health conditions, including two strokes and paralysis in his right (dominant) hand. Despite the significant setbacks, this was the catalyst he needed to transform his life, and he is now happier than he’s ever been. He remarried and found a wonderful new family – blessings he would not have received without the betrayal that tormented him from 2003 to 2019. His own transformation is key to his client work, and his aim is now to help people from further afield who find themselves in a similar position.

Steve lives with his wife Shirlyn and their family in Fort Mill, South Carolina and Cebu City, Philippines. He is dedicated to both his work and his family and is endlessly grateful for the challenges life has thrown his way, paving the way to his newfound happiness.




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