
  • I had an awesome experience in this course and thoroughly enjoyed learning about not only myself but also about how to be a more efficient and proactive person. I loved watching and listening to the motivational speakers because they taught me so much about myself and my potential as a person in the future. I am so grateful for this course and loved the way that it was taught. 

    Show More - KC
  • I really liked this video. I agree with what you said Steve about failure not being a bad thing. I think failing a couple of times just perfects your work and your craft. I also liked the quote about you don’t see 1000 failures just 1000 ways it doesn’t work. I like that quote because it shows to look on the bright side and that it’s just a game of elimination if one thing doesn’t work try the next. I related most with the grow through the things you grow through. That one speaks to me because you need to find the bright side in the bad things you go through. You also need to be able to take lessons away from the problems you face instead of just letting the problem bring you down. This talk really just gave me a reassurance on that I can bounce back from my bad situations. 

    Show More - SG
  • I really loved this experience. It was very eye-opening and just overall a very good guidance. I truly believe it has set me down the right path. I learned a lot of lessons from this experience like to always try and grow through the bad times you go through and make the most out of everything you go through. I also learned you need to be able to be happy with yourself and not need money or to be dependent on others. I also learned the people around you have a great impact on how much you can accomplish. I especially loved the lesson about the butterfly and how important transformation is in a person. Also, there’s a hole in my sidewalk was very enlightening by showing you have to take responsibility and understand that something you’ve done in the past led you to the hole you walked in. After going through this class I want to be as successful as I can and reach my full capacity and be the best version of myself.

    Show More - HJ
  • I thought this course was very educational and I am walking away with a deeper understanding about life in general. It has made me rethink a lot of things in my life that seemed so important yet they are very trivial and not worth worrying about. I want to be a better husband, father, and overall person so I feel that you have helped me take a step forward in that direction. I thank you tremendously for the great video's that you have provided in this course.

    Show More - HM
  • I thought this video had a really good message. I loved how you pointed out that the person who emailed you with their issue will learn that it will be a blessing later on in life. We all have regrets on stuff in our life but without bad times then it you will not be shaped in to the person that you are today. You need bad times to learn from to better yourself and others. I am not perfect and have gone through many bad times but without those, I would not be who I am today without them. Even seeing others mistakes or their bad times can mold someone else so that they can also learn from it too. Thank you for all of the helpful videos that you provided throughout this course. 

    Show More - HM
  • This meant a lot to me. I was in a victim mindset for a while out of fear and resistance. It felt easier in the moment to do that but it only created toxic cycles in the long term. Now that I look back even today on a few months ago I realize that the struggle that led me to seek help was the greatest gift in disguise. I am now able to receive these messages of strength whereas before I couldn't. I was so wrapped up in my own struggle and could not see a purpose behind it or a way through it. This video is a great reminder of why struggle is truly essential for growth. Now that I have seen these videos I will also use them as tools to shift my mindset when I am struggling in the future. Before I felt and saw hopelessness in front of me where as now I see hope.

    Show More - AWC
  • I feel like this experience was very very very helpful. I’ve learned a lot of thing that I want to apply to not just my driving but my life in general. All the videos were very helpful because hearing all this stuff about the rights and wrong of driving is one thing but seeing it is Something totally different for me. I learned that my diving doesn’t only affect me and the drivers around me but it can affect my family and friends that are no where near around me. I suggest everyone take this class if it’s an option because it is very helpful, the teacher is very helpful and understanding and it can help. You inn the long run.

    Show More - SM
  • I already feel that this charge was probably the best experience that could have happened to me. I know that I have learned so much about alcohol and the effects it can have on you, and why you should refrain from it. I have also learned a lot about myself and my tendency to "fold" under peer pressure. I realize that I should not listen to everything and I should have certain beliefs I should stick to. One quote that had a lasting impact on me was "one day, the people that didn't believe in you will tell others the story of how they met you". This was a really deep quote and I realize that everybody will at least respect you if you work towards your potential and accomplish your dreams. Also, the quote "tough times never last, but tough people do" really stuck with me. These are great quotes that can help me change my behavior.

    Show More - CC
  • This video explained a lot of things to me and made me put a lot in perspective about my choices and the way I think and move. Failure is part of the process to being successful. Without failures, you will never know how to go through the full process and to be successful. The way you approach your failures could have a great impact on your life. The charge I got opened my eyes, it showed me that trying to go the easy way out is not the best way. I put my kids in jeopardy and my freedom and I know I can't do that anymore. I learned that I can't dwell on my past mistakes and I must move forward. I am changing for the better, I have to change for the people who are looking up to me. My struggles made me appreciate how far I have gotten today. Growth is a big step, I can't backtrack and continue to let my past failures continue to bring me down, I have to continue to grow. 

    Show More - SDC
  • I think that this course was extremely valuable. I originally was not looking forward to it and thought it would not be useful. However, I found this course to be very apt and necessary. I think that the course was organized extremely well. I first learned about the health effects of alcohol and reflected on my behavior. I think it was beneficial to have motivational videos and inspiration at the end of the course so I felt empowered to change. Overall, I think that this course helped me change my behavior and learn how to avoid risky situations in the future.

    Show More - KN
  • This video explained a lot of things to me and made me put a lot in perspective about my choices and the way I think and move. Failure is part of the process to being successful. Without failures, you will never know how to go through the full process and to be successful. The way you approach your failures could have a great impact on your life. The charge I got opened my eyes, it showed me that trying to go the easy way out is not the best way. I put my kids in jeopardy and my freedom and I know I can't do that anymore. I learned that I can't dwell on my past mistakes and I must move forward. I am changing for the better, I have to change for the people who are looking up to me. My struggles made me appreciate how far I have gotten today. Growth is a big step, I can't backtrack and continue to let my past failures continue to bring me down, I have to continue to grow. 

    Show More - SDC
  • This course showed me multiple things. It showed me to accept responsibility, acknowledge my faults and take the corrective measures that I need to fix them. I learned that there are several things in my life that are weighing me down and I look past them because I love it or them. I know that it is okay to have a fresh start, it is okay to fail. I have made mistakes that I am not proud of, but I am the only one who can fix me. I am the only one that is riding this journey with me, no matter who I have in my corner. I was reassured that no matter how late I started, how long it is taking me to get where I need to be it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I finish. I know that it will always be me vs. me. I am in control of my own destiny. I am in control of the choices I make, who I surround myself, how I choose to transform and change my life. I am in full control and I know that I can reach my full capacity and be strong because being strong is all that I know. I know that I may fall short and backtrack. It may take me a million times to get it right, but the only thing that matters is that I do get it right. I have learned from my mistakes and changed, I know that I am not where I want to be but everyday I get up knowing that I will do something that puts me a little further than what I was doing yesterday. 

    Show More - GJ
  • I loved the quote at the start of the video, "It's not a 1000 failures, I know 1000 ways it doesn't work." The video was so inspirational. It was the perfect way to end this class. Learning a little bit about you helped give life to everything you talked about in this class. What you fought through puts everything into perspective. I know the past is hard to let go, but the reward once you do get rid of the bad parts is unrivaled. The process never stops but it will eventually get better. Thank you so much for helping me and thousands of others gain another perspective on life.

    Show More - DN
  • Overall, I found this experience to be really helpful. It was very inspirational and I will keep many of these videos at heart. For example, when something goes wrong or I get fired or a bad grade, I tell myself good and find a new way. I loved how I could relate to this course and many of the videos and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take this course.

    Show More - DJ
  • My experience with this was a great one as it taught me a lot of things to help me change my ways about myself and realize that’s it’s just not worth at the end of the day. To get involved with law enforcement like this especially since I’m about to be 21 next month and I do something stupid really disappoints not only myself but my family and friends as well. This help me learn that these are just lessons to learn from as I never want this to be on my record so I will continue to work on myself to be the best version that I can be. I appreciate you for all your help and this class for guiding me in the right direction!

    Show More - ST
  • I honestly didn’t think this would be beneficial bc I didn’t believe I was guilty about what happened. But after taking it all in I actually did some self reflecting and I was reminded of some helpful tips that will help me overcome a few struggles of my own. So I will take this knowledge and fully apply it to my life so that I can get back to a healthier space.

    Show More - BD
  • I really enjoyed taking this course. In my meeting with Jennifer, I shared that the thing I love about Mr. Sweeney's courses are that they are a lot of you get what you pour into the courses. I have done more than just taken this course. I have understand different ways of thinking that have allowed me to see the light out of these situations. Not only were the lessons encouraging but hearing Mr. Sweeney's testimony was also very encouraging to me. What I love about this course is that Mr. Sweeney opens up and he actually really cares about not only your specific case but also the mental outlook that you have. It was because of this course that I have completely reversed the way I have thought about my mistake. I am now excited to work and eager to explore the opportunities that present themselves.

    Show More - PW
  • Throughout the process of this course, I believe I was able to take away a deeper understanding of how my past and thought processes have gotten me to where I am today. I see that I made a mistake in life, but because of that mistake, I have been able to learn more about myself and understand that I can't be doing silly, irresponsible things like that anymore, and that I need to do better at looking out for myself. I have also learned that life can only get better, and that even though I have messed up in life, it was only a step in my life that I needed to learn and develop into a better person.

    Show More - GA
  • Steve, thank you! It was an amazing course overall and incredibly inspirational and uplifting. I needed this in my life right now to keep moving forward knowing that I will get through these extremely rough times. Thanks again!

    - MR
  • It was a perfect experience to be a participant in the class, I realized a lot and learning. This class helps me and will continue to help me for my entire life, Mr. Steve is a excellent teacher, his analysis, his presentation his capacity to maintain and his diagnosis is unbelievable..I enjoyed this class with a sustained attention, all videos bring me a lot of advice.

    He's a dictionary....my experience with this course will never forgotten. 

    Show More - PW
  • I really enjoyed taking this course. In my meeting with Jennifer, I shared that the thing I love about Mr. Sweeney's courses are that they are a lot of you get what you pour into the courses. I have done more than just taken this course. I have understand different ways of thinking that have allowed me to see the light out of these situations. Not only were the lessons encouraging but hearing Mr. Sweeney's testimony was also very encouraging to me. What I love about this course is that Mr. Sweeney opens up and he actually really cares about not only your specific case but also the mental outlook that you have. It was because of this course that I have completely reversed the way I have thought about my mistake. I am now excited to work and eager to explore the opportunities that present themselves.

    Show More - JC
  • I had a wonderful experience during this program and I learned so much that I will carry on with me every day of my life and be sure to perfect and work on every day. I know that failures are just a way to learn and that although I messed up and lost track of myself, this isn’t defining and that I am worthy to achieve my dreams or anything I want to achieve as long as I put my mind to it. I think the program that Mr. Sweeney did this on is great and a fantastic way to do it as it was easy to navigate through and I was able to complete the course and finish my work and submit with no problem. I found lessons and learned through inspiration life advice and things I will even tell my kids and make sure they know for their future. I want to thank Mr. Sweeney for everything he has done for me and all the kids like me who have screwed up but now found their way thanks to him. 

    Show More - SC
  • Completing this program was incredibly emotionally difficult for me, but I could tell that that was the purpose. It forced me to work through the parts of the past 6 months that I had previously shoved down into a little box and tried my hardest to ignore. The worst consequence of my actions is how negatively it has impacted my mental health. I have honestly been to scared to feel those emotions because I knew it would bring me to tears and hurt me. But it is important that I do it because I cannot change, I cannot become a better version of myself without doing the work at unpacking that box. I think the box is a little emptier now than it was when I started this course. So thank you, Mr. Sweeney, you helped me comes to terms with my mistakes and start moving on.

    Show More - AM
  • When I first started taking this course I had know idea where it was going to take me. I never realized that I have really been selling my self short for a real long time. I always knew I should be ahead in life but I was to lazy to go out their and fight for what I wanted. Going thru this class has really gave me a chip on my own shoulder to speak. Long as I still have breath in my body I can still fight thru another day. Utilizing tools that I have along the way will help me a lot. Sometimes tools are in our face and we just overlook it. In the end, it just makes things that much harder. I'm going to start putting what I've learned to the test. I never realized took time out to look at different videos that can give you good insight on life. That's something I'm going to start incorporating in my daily bread. Thanks for giving me a chance to not only right my wrong but giving me a great tool that I can apply to my life. 

    Show More - EH
  • Throughout this whole course, I had to really think about my life, my thoughts, and my actions. I have never put so much thought into myself and it honestly made me mad at times. I was mad because of how hard and long I would have to think to answer certain questions. The most hardest one for myself was the "Eight Questions" assignment if I am thinking of the right one. I took me way too long to think about things about myself and my life. I realized how I don't even know myself. Who am I really? It was shocking. 

    Show More - HM
  • The best thing I got from this video was hearing a bit more about your personal story and the a part of the reason why you are not a "normal person" Mr. Sweeney. Your experience suffering from and recovering from two back-to-back strokes connects very neatly to the butterfly metaphor. Seeing your example of recovering from this stroke was inspirational, as you utilized it exactly in the way you have encouraged us in the class: using your struggle as a trampoline to make yourself even stronger as an individual. Your example shows me and all other participants in the class that you live by your own words. I hope that I can embody this mentality and that I remember your journey when it comes to my own struggles and obstacles throughout the rest of my life. 

    Show More - NW
  • I think this was insightful and helpful on a much bigger level than just my speeding ticket. You seem to be a great counselor and what many people would need nowadays. Mental health and counseling is so hard to find even if you have insurance so for many people it's just out of reach. I thought it was a great course to listen to and I enjoyed the stories and personal ways he connected with us.

    Show More - UW
  • I feel like I can forgive myself from my mistake. I made a very big mistake but that does not define me anymore. I am not a criminal. I have overcome so many hurdles and I overcame this. Thank you Mr. Sweeney for your words. You changed my life. 

    - GC
  • I learned a great deal from this experience. I learned how being honest with myself is the greatest first step in moving forward with my life. Some of these assignments taught me some of the extra steps I need to take to successful better myself as well as my life and it's giving me the mental tools I lacked to work toward my goals. I learned that my poor choices doesn't make me a failure in fact it gives me the opportunity to grow as a human-being. 

    Show More - BC
  • This whole journey has been really difficult for me, but I'm getting through it and overall, it's just a huge learning process. I am learning about myself and also those around me who i thought were my best friends, leave me in the dust. Doing this program has definitely been a lot but I am grateful to have it and get this off my record. 

    Show More - LS
  • My experience with this course was very useful. I realized my mistakes and even learnt from them. I feel this had help me become a better person over time and will continue to do so with the notes I took from it. This course is great for motivational and informational purposes. This course may be helpful to others becoming successful.

    Show More - KG
  • This video means motivation to me. I like your story and how you stayed motivated to overcome your tough times. I love the quote “ tough times don’t last, tough people do.” I know there will be more obstacles for me to overcome. I just have to push through it. My favorite quote is by Conrad Hilton, “ Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They made mistakes but the don’t quit.” 

    Show More - GK
  • I have learned so much about rules of the road and I have gained so much advice for driving in the future. I have made many mistakes while driving in the past but I will not let that define my future. Just because I've made mistakes doesn't mean I have to keep making them. Thank you Mr. Sweeney for helping me realize how serious and severe this reckless driving charge really was. I am now better equipped and prepared to make good decisions while driving in the future. I am ready to move on and show my full potential while on the road. I would like to keep in contact with you and let you know how I am doing and how I have progressed from my charge. Thank you for everything, Mr. Sweeney.

    Show More - BJ
  • I am thankful that I can use the information on a day to day basis. I can not only tell others about what I have learned but also set an example for them. I was moved by the stories and was thankful to have gained so much wisdom from them. I learned a lot more about how alcohol can effect you and your loved ones. This has made me far more insightful then I ever would have thought. You were great counselor and the videos you chose and yourself have changed my character. I am on my way to be at the max of my capacity. 

    Show More - CB
  • I have enjoyed this class. My intention before beginning the class was to start with an open mind and an open heart and use this situation as an opportunity to learn and grow. I committed to reflecting carefully on each section and being honest with myself in answering questions. I feel like I have accomplished that. I took notes and kept a journal so that I can refer back to the information at a future point, particularly the cognitive behaviors. I am now able to recognize some of these behaviors in myself and others too.

    My biggest takeaways from the class are as follows:

    Learning to recognize Cognitive Distortions and being able to reflect on the thoughts and then reassess. I am working on being more intentional with my words and actions, especially knowing my children (and others)are always listening and watching. I do believe that every action begins with a thought, and our thoughts are very powerful in shaping our emotions. I have resolved to no longer allow cognitive errors to persist in my thoughts and help my children recognize these distorted thoughts too.

    Acknowledging mistakes and errors as part of the journey to becoming a better person and living a fulfilled life rather than mistakes and errors defining part of life. Accepting responsibility, studying and reflecting on the situation, then learning from it so as to not repeat it, and then finally understanding that it does not define you.

    The greatest travesties in life are unused talent and wasted potential. I have heard that saying starting from my Dad and then many others throughout life. Living life to my full capacity is important to me. The example of Shaquille O’Neal being immensely talented, and successful too, but not living to his full capacity is something that has stuck with me. It’s not ok to be complacent.  Releasing some control and allowing life’s journey to happen is a lesson I am learning and will continue to work on. Mistakes are lessons and are a part of the process. The story of the butterfly and its transformation was very impactful. 

    Show More - AM
  • This course is not what I expected it to be. I was expecting a belittling course that would lecture me for hours on things that would not make me feel any better about my choices, only worse. I was unexpectedly pleased with this program. The videos were inspirational and educated me on life outside my charges and made me motivated to do even bigger things with my life and raise my expectations of myself. Steve Sweeney made me feel better about myself and my situation instead of lecturing me on how I can do better in a bad way. 

    Show More - MA
  • Productive Failures aren’t bad like you said Steve I’m going to use this situation as fuel and motivation to keep going and doing great things in life. Those quotes are very true and that’s how I feel about this whole situation. But the quote I liked the most was “Success seems to be connected with action.

    Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit”. That quote really touched my soul because I graduated college in a few days and it’s like wow I made a mistake in life that I can fix and learn from but I didn’t let it put me down or in my feelings I kept going. I always tell others around me to keep going and don’t give up one day everything can change in a blank of a eye stay focused on the bigger picture in life. Steve I want to thank you so much for this opportunity to be in this wonderful program where you help others that made a simple mistake to get a chance to take a course here and get it expunge of there record what a blessing. I’m so thankful for the knowledge you shared with me and your story what you been there or going through I’m praying for you wish you the best with everything you do and continue to change and impact lives around you steve thank you so much I’ll stay in touch.

    Show More - SW
  • This was the most impactful video of the entire course and was really helpful. This showed me that nobody is indestructible and that failure is impossible to avoid. I also really appreciate how you added your own personal story, because that further emphasized the idea that nobody is perfect.

    - GD
  • I found this entire experience extremely helpful and interesting, and I learned a lot about myself even outside of the entire reason as to why I am taking the AEP course. Being able to talk about what is going well in my life versus what is not going well in my life, and what traits I typically possess made me realize so much about myself. I realized what my strengths and weaknesses are, and I realized what I need to work on for myself to get to the best possible version. One thing that really stuck out to me was in one of the videos, the speaker was talking about how you should reflect on how you maximize your day.

    Ever since I heard that, I have been frequently thinking about how I can maximize my day and go to sleep every night as genuinely proud of myself. This course was helpful for me in learning how I want to better myself, and I really do appreciate the effort that was put in to creating this course and the extremely helpful content and assignments provided. Thank you, Mr. Sweeney! 

    Show More - CO
  • I feel like I explained a lot on the last assignment about my thoughts and feedback on this course. So everything I said in the previous video is truly what I thought about this course. It was great, I learned a lot especially about cognitive behaviors, struggles, success, learning from mistakes, trying to be the best, and come to peace with my mistakes. Everything was very well said and taught. It made me dive deep into my past, present, and future and really put a different perspective on things. All the videos were great! My favorites were the potential/capacity and the butterfly videos. Wouldn’t have been said better. I enjoyed the layout and how you talked about your past a little bit and how you’ve struggled in the past and it’s made you create your own business and practice to help others who have made mistakes in their life. It really helped hearing your words of encouragement about how I am not a bad person or piece of garbage for making a mistake, but how we are still great people and can still do great things.

    Small bump in the road that comes with consequences but also that it’ll still be okay. Again thank you so much for a great course. 

    Show More - KD
  • This was a wonderful course and I learned a lot from the incident I got in and ways to better myself so that it never happens again. I learned about the harms of alcohol not only at my age, but as I get older and how to make wise decision when deciding to drink. I also learned how to critically think about the experiences life gives our way and take the bumps in the roads as blessings to a smoother road ahead if you keep working to better yourself a little bit every day. I think you, Mr.Sweeney are a great mentor and you have designed a course that is extremely helpful for us to learn our lesson in a valuable way. Thank you for your knowledge. 

    Show More - GG
  • This course, while tedious, was ultimately full of lessons I needed to hear. If I had not failed to abide the law and subsequently not been placed into this program, perhaps I would have continued down a dark path. These lessons came into my life at a low point of my mental health, which added to my stress, but more so showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. I am appreciative for the reminders I heard here, especially from the Steve Jobs video, Words video, and Kindness animation. I think this course was meticulously planned out and nothing Steve gave us was a waste. It was all worthwhile to learn about and remind ourselves of. It required some deep introspection, which everyone can use. I am grateful for the lessons I have taken away here. With all due respect, I hope to never have to dedicate this much time to a computer module again, but the lessons were worthwhile and it was time I dedicated to myself, which I have not done in a while. Steve, you are a great mentor and even better person. I admire the way you speak so positively and respectfully to everyone in this program. In my opinion, you are the very best at your job.

    Show More - KG
  • I had a great experience doing this program. I learned a lot and saw many new perspectives. I got new tools to put in my toolbox to use in everyday life. Most importantly I have been able to turn things around and find better coping mechanisms to deal with things. I’ve learned to let go of my past and to keep combatting the present. Honestly, there are so many great things I can say from this course that are all valuable for my entire life. Overall though, I’m glad to have gotten the chance to have this experiences even though the circumstances were not optimal. Scything I have learned will be taken in to account to paving a great future for myself, as that is what I want. 

    Show More - AA
  • I feel like this course is a different approach into doing a sort of driver's ed class but it is enjoyable. Instead of being scolded for our mistakes we are taught to grow from it and encouraged to do better instead of just telling us how bad we did and how we should feel bad about our actions. 

    Show More - GQ
  • Really enjoyed this video and agree with the messaging. While tough to realize a difficult experience will transform you as a person if you reflect and make changes in your life. I always tell people that college failure made me the person I was today. Another example is the difficulty we had with conception. Took 3 long years where it was hell. All my wife wanted was to be a mother and she felt like a failure. Well eventually we got pregnant and you better be damn sure we treasure every second with our boys, no matter how tired we are or frustrated we are. They are a blessing and I don’t think we’d have the same thoughts had we not struggled initially. All the pictures really resonated in the same way, tough times are temporary and you will grow from them. 

    Show More - DR
  • I appreciated how open-ended most of these assignments were. We get out what we put in. I also liked how you provided the PowerPoint for the exam, not only for test use but also as another reminder and something to hold onto for future reminders. I think this program was able to be completed in a fairly timely manner. I relearned a lot of things and did a lot of good, deep reflections.


    Show More - LI
  • This story has resonated with me so highly, and I have found myself comparing my day-to-day to this imagery in this story. I think it is a beautiful illustration of the metamorphosis that each person completes as many times throughout their life as they see fit. I feel that throughout my life I have constantly been transforming myself in almost every way. These phases have taught me lessons and allowed me the wisdom and knowledge to grow and continue to get closer to a more refined, intelligent, and responsible person. My struggles in my life have worked as excuses for many years as to why I act a certain way or feel a certain way, but with this story I realize that not working through those feelings and giving myself the freedom to face them and use them to my advantage. This has built my confidence and endurance to continue building my story and the character I know that is within me. I appreciate this sentiment because I feel through this program I have seen a lot of true progress in myself and am grateful for this new knowledge. 

    Show More - EGA
  • This has been a very educational and eye-opening course. This experience has developed over the course of a few weeks and I have found myself understanding how my poor choices in my past effect every part of my life. Over the course of this educational class and through these videos and assignments, I have seen personal growth in my outlook and attitude. I am grateful for the strength and hope this program has taught me and the positivity that has been shed on the negative experience that had prompted me to enroll in the class. While I cannot go back in time and undo the poor choices that I have made in the past like I wish I could, I can learn from it and create a better future for myself one good choice at a time through reflection, changing my cognitive patterns, and looking at a greater purpose outside of myself. I appreciate everything this course has shown me about myself and I am hopeful for the future of this new person I feel I have become as a result of this process. 

    Show More - EA
  • I enjoyed listening to the video. It seems this course has brought more attention to my decision-making. Also, can reflect better on how failures and disappointments may have silver linings as you have explained. At 65 years old, my motivations have changed. However, I do want to be a productive citizen and not some retiree that is lazy and has no motivation to be an asset to society. Actually, I am ok with doing volunteer work. FYI, I do think you are the perfect match for the administrator of this course. Believe it will be difficult for someone to fill your shoes someday when you retire. 

    Show More - CS
  • I really liked the content of this video, and the outlook you had on failures. I like how you talked about how failures can be approached as productive. And I feel like this very much relates to my scenario with my Mip ticket. I personally feel like I approached my failure of getting a mip ticket as a productive failure. I made some big changes in my life. I stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd who I got the ticket with. And I am in no way blaming them for me getting the ticket. Every decision I made that led me to the ticket was my own and was never forced. I accepted all responsibility of my own actions. I made multiple changes in my life. I stopped drinking, and dedicated this summer to working on myself, in many different ways. One big thing I am proud of is I started focusing on my physical health. I started working out 4 times a week and running 5 times a week. I lost 20 pounds and in some of the best shape of my life. I worked on my relationships with the people that are close to me that want the best for me. I am the happiest I have ever been. But I know there will be many more challenges down the road that I will have to overcome. But I also know I will be able to overcome them and become a better person through the process. 

    Show More - NW
  • I learned a lot about the dangers of alcohol and I also learned a lot about myself while completing this course. This course required a lot of self reflection, which was a very good thing for me. Sometimes I get so caught up in the day to day life, I forget to look at the big picture. Thankfully, I feel like I have been on a much better path since getting the mip ticket back in April. I have made several lifestyle changes that improved both my physical health and mental health. This course was great way to reflect on the path that lead to where I am now. I was able to view my failure of getting an Mip ticket and turn it into a productive failure. I also wanted to thank Mr. Sweeney for such a well put together course that challenges the individuals to do some serious soul searching. I also liked how none of the course was meant to drag you down and make you feel bad about yourself. I think the course did a great job of helping me further learn from my mistake and how to turn it into something productive.

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  • Overall, I feel like this course has helped me put many of the lessons that I have learned from this entire experience into a more positive perspective. The amount of introspection that this course has put me through has allowed me to understand a number of things more completely. Most importantly, I understand now that even though this has been an extremely difficult experience, brought on by my own poor decisions, it has also been a powerful learning experience. I am already trying my best to apply the lessons that I have learned to my life, but this course has certainly helped give me a sense of clarity as to how wide-reaching these lessons are and to how many areas of life they truly apply. I appreciate the amount of work that Steve has put into this course and his passion for that work really does show. I’m glad to be finished with the course, but the lessons that I have been able to learn will not soon be forgotten.

    Show More - JP
  • Throughout this process, I have recognized a lot about myself. Although I had made one of the worst decisions of my life, I truly believe that there was some good out of it. I have recognized the importance of respecting my body and am now educated on the health impacts of alcohol use. I have reflected on personal changes since the charge was given to me, and how I need to build back relationships with my family and friends. I appreciate everything that this course has given me, and I am inspired to get back up after being knocked down. I am excited for this charge to be expunged by I am equally as excited to have gone through this process.

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  • I was very inspired by your background story. I too am in the middle of a transformation to a new version of myself, and I am experiencing a growth mindset. I have regretted the decision I made since that infamous day, and I know that I won’t ever make that mistake again. This entire process has been one of the most mentally challenging processes of my life. After watching your own recovery story, I am now inspired to work on myself to be the best version of myself and grow from my mistakes. I don’t want to be a prisoner of my past anymore.

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  • I didn't think that this course was too much to handle. And that was relieving because I was under the impression I'd be in a virtual classroom being called on and what not. However, by doing this virtually from the comfortability of my own home, I felt like I could really dig deep with a lot of my responses and be vulnerable to show what really bothered me and how I dealt with it. 

    Show More - Anonymous
  • Therapy for stress management is a type of counseling that is designed to help individuals manage their stress levels and develop effective coping strategies. Stress is a common experience that can affect people in different ways, and if left unmanaged, it can lead to a range of physical and mental health issues.
    During therapy sessions, the therapist will work with the individual to identify the sources of their stress and help them develop practical strategies for managing their stress levels. This may include identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, learning relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, and developing healthier habits like exercise and good sleep hygiene.

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common approach used in stress management therapy. This type of therapy focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to stress. The therapist may also use mindfulness-based techniques to help individuals focus on the present moment and reduce stress levels.
    Therapy for stress management may be appropriate for individuals who are experiencing stress related to work, relationships, finances, health concerns, or other life events. It can help individuals develop effective coping strategies, reduce the physical and psychological symptoms of stress, and improve their overall quality of life.

    Show More - I. Jenkins
  • Overall, I came into the program dreading these videos and assignments (maybe not as much as some other people because I plan on staying in school for at least 10 more years haha), but I honestly really learned a lot of things from these assignments. Mr Sweeney, you did an amazing job explaining everything as well as motivating me to keep going. People say I am a determined person, and I like to make sure I finish things! Thank you for giving me this opportunity, and for such kind words. I will continue to focus on my future and not my past.

    Show More - Anonymous

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